Relapse Prevention in Kerrville, TX

Finding sobriety is difficult for a lot of people, many of whom suffered with an addiction for years and years. If you count yourself among the newly clean and sober, you deserve praise for your hard work. Staying clean and sober may require relapse prevention in Kerrville though.

The problem is that most addicts simply don't get enough education when it comes to finding relapse prevention treatment programs. While they are out there, many of the options available to you seem hidden from public view.

For a newly clean addict, relapse prevention treatment programs can mean all the difference in the world though. Keep reading to learn more about relapse prevention in Kerrville and how it can help you live the life you've always wanted to lead.

What is Relapse Prevention?

The concept of relapse prevention programs isn't really new in the medical and addiction communities. For addicts just coming out of inpatient drug rehab in Kerrville, the idea might be somewhat fresh in their minds.

Relapse prevention in Kerrville has helped a lot of people from getting back into drugs and alcohol immediately following treatment. That's because many people who leave treatment unfortunately relapse in the first 90 days.

After 90 days, about 40% to 80% of people begin using drugs again. For alcoholics, relapse rates are even higher -- around 50% to 90% in some cases. Those numbers might sound high, but they are relatively common in the United States.

By taking advantage of relapse prevention treatment programs in Kerrville, you don't have to be part of those statistics. You'll still need to find motivation, willpower and seek support from friends and family members, but relapse prevention in Kerrville can be greatly helped through reputable, structured programs.

Why are Relapse Prevention Tools Necessary?

Many people don't feel like structured relapse prevention programs are necessary for them. After you leave rehab, you should have the tools you need to stay sober, right?

The fact is that real life is not like rehab and being strong for a short period of time is easier than staying the course for the rest of your life. If you want to avoid addiction again, you need strong relapse prevention programs in your life.

Once you go back home, you'll also have to deal with many settings that are familiar to you. If you're like a lot of people, you may feel tempted to use again because of familiar surroundings.

The same is true of the people around you, many of whom may have been directly or indirectly involved in your addiction in the first place. Through relapse prevention treatment programs, you can learn ways to avoid dangerous situations that could cause you to relapse.

You'll also learn how to spot the potential signs of a relapse as they come to you. That way you won't end up back in rehab trying to get clean and sober again.

Relapse Prevention Aftercare Services

When it comes to relapse prevention in Kerrville you have a variety of choices when picking a program. Common relapse prevention programs in Kerrville include:

  • Sober living homes. Sober living homes give addicts a safe place to live after they live treatment. Many find that sober living homes give them the opportunity to find jobs and return to society as healthy, functioning adults. Sober living homes generally have meetings and rules about sobriety that help some addicts stay strong after leaving treatment.
  • Halfway homes. Halfway homes are often court-appointed, but people do go to them on their own. In many cases, halfway homes offer tools to help people find jobs and stay out of trouble with the law, as well as staying clean and sober.
  • Outpatient rehab. Outpatient rehab allows addicts to find treatment on a schedule that works for them. Counseling, regular meetings and even maintenance medication programs can be part of outpatient rehab.
  • AA/NA Meetings. AA and NA meetings are focused support groups that allow addicts to attend whenever they want. Many people seek additional help for addictions and use AA and NA meetings as extra support and as a way to connect with others struggling with the same issues.
  • Group counseling. For many addicts, talking with like-minded peers can help them stay clean and sober. Group counseling is an ideal way to achieve this in a structured manner.
  • Individual therapy. Individual therapy allows for focused sessions and doctor or counselor feedback. People who don't like talking groups often prefer individual therapy.

If you or your loved one are ready to be free from addiction for good, call us now (877) 804-1531.

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