Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Kerrville, TX

Drug and alcohol addiction can quickly make a negative impact on your life. While you probably never planned to become an addict, some people seem predisposed to addiction. Individuals suffering from mental health disorders often receive dual diagnosis treatment in Kerrville for this reason.

Dealing with a mental health disorder and addiction can seem like a lot of weight on your shoulders. It may not be easy, but these are issues you can sort out with the right treatment plan.

When looking for a dual diagnosis treatment center to help you, make sure they can handle mental health disorders and addiction at the same time. Many facilities can handle addiction, but in some cases, mental health disorders go basically untreated.

Getting the best possible dual diagnosis treatment in Kerrville can help you find the light at the end of the tunnel.

What is Dual Diagnosis?

Dual diagnosis is something that many addicts don't understand, mostly because it just isn't mainstream knowledge. The concept of dual diagnosis treatment programs in Kerrville have been around for some time in professional arenas though.

When a person is diagnosed with a mental health disorder and an addiction issue they are said to have a dual diagnosis. In most cases, the mental health disorder was present from childhood or earlier in life and addiction was at least partly the result of trying to cope with this issue.

For other people, addiction and mental health disorders develop at the same time. This is referred to as a co-occurring disorder, and it isn't particularly common.

Others may develop mental health disorders because of addiction issues. While this is rare, some drugs like alcohol and cocaine addiction in Kerrville can alter brain chemistry and bring on mental health issues in some people.

The concept behind a dual diagnosis treatment center is a facility that can handle addiction and mental health disorders at the same time. That's because they truly go hand-in-hand for many people and try to fix one issue without addressing the other typically doesn't work for long.

Types of Mental Health Disorders

A variety of different people need help through dual diagnosis treatment programs. The fact is that people with certain disorders tend to develop addiction issues more frequently.

The most common types of mental health disorders that require dual diagnosis treatment in Kerrville include:

  • Anxiety. Individuals dealing with anxiety issues often develop addiction problems as a way to cope with negative feelings. Many people self-medicate with drugs and alcohol, while others may abuse prescription drugs given to them by a doctor.
  • Depression. People with clinical depression often abuse prescription drugs provided by a doctor. Others may use drugs and alcohol as a way to cope with mental health issues. Help through a dual diagnosis treatment center can make it possible for individuals dealing with depression and addiction to get their lives back on track.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD is a serious problem that impacts people from all walks of life. Many people with this disorder begin to abuse drugs and alcohol as a way to escape flashbacks and problematic feelings. Over time, drug and alcohol abuse turn into addiction.
  • Bipolar disorder. Individuals with bipolar disorder have a high rate of drug and alcohol abuse. Help through dual diagnosis treatment programs can help you get clean and prevent further abuse down the line.
  • Schizophrenia. People with schizophrenia abuse drugs and alcohol at the highest rate. Going through dual diagnosis treatment in Kerrville can help you get a handle on a difficult disorder while helping you get clean and sober.
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Individuals with OCD often abuse drugs and alcohol to tame impulses and feel more normal. As addiction develops, it can be hard to break the cycle of abuse without entering a dual diagnosis treatment center.

Why is Dual Diagnosis Treatment Necessary? What are the Benefits?

Dual diagnosis treatment in Kerrville can help you get clean and sober, but more importantly, it can help you get a handle on your mental health issues. Managing these can make it easier to stop using drugs and keep you healthy once you leave dual diagnosis treatment programs.

Many people who enter a dual diagnosis treatment center are scared at first, but for many, it's a major turning point in their lives. There's just no reason to suffer from mental health issues and addiction any longer when help is right there for you. Call us now (877) 804-1531.

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