Drug Rehab in Kerrville, TX

Drug addiction is one of the most serious problems in the United States. The fact is that addiction isn't a new problem. For many people, drug rehab in Kerrville is the answer to addiction issues that are often hard to overcome.

No matter what drugs you're addicted to, there is a drug rehab center designed specifically for your needs. Quitting alone is not something that you need to attempt no matter how much you want to quit or how strong you think you can be.

Use this guide to learn more about drug rehab in Kerrville and how you can finally overcome an addiction. Even if you've never been able to beat your addiction before, now is the time that drug and alcohol rehab can finally help you get clean and sober.

What is Drug Rehab?

Drug rehab is something almost everybody has heard of. However, not everybody truly understands how the process works.

When you enter drug rehab in Kerrville, the first thing that is likely to happen is a simple evaluation. In many facilities, you will meet with medical staff and counselors to learn more about rehab while they develop a treatment plan.

Addicts are always consulted as to their treatment plan, as well as how long a rehab stay may be. Depending on the addiction, detox may also be recommended as a course of treatment, especially in the case of severe or long-term addiction.

Going to treatment in a drug rehab center can be scary, but for a lot of addicts, rehab is like hitting the reset button on their life. It is possible to beat your old demons and make sure that you're healthy by the time you leave. From there, you can seek additional treatment to prevent relapse and stay strong for years to come.

Types of Addiction

Types of addiction can vary widely from person to person. When it comes to drug rehab in Kerrville, there are some common addictions that are typically treated.

Common types of addiction include:

  • Alcohol addiction. Alcohol addiction is common in the United States, and many people suffer from it. Drug and alcohol rehab can help people suffering from this issue a great deal in a relatively short period of time.
  • Prescription drug addiction. Prescription opiates are an epidemic in many parts of the country and withdrawal can be severe. Most drug and alcohol rehab facilities treat this type of addiction.
  • Heroin addiction. Like prescription drug abuse, heroin abuse is on the rise. Withdrawal is often serious and trying to kick heroin on your own can be very dangerous. Medical detox in Kerrville is often recommended for heroin users.
  • Cocaine addiction. Highly-addictive emotionally and physically, cocaine addiction is far too common in the US.

These are just a few different types of addictions that can impact people in the area. No matter what addiction you're facing, you can find drug rehab in Kerrville that is designed to help you with your specific problem.

Drug Addiction Signs and Symptoms

Drug addiction can impact almost anyone, but spotting the signs isn't always easy. Common signs and symptoms of drug addiction that may require professional help include:

  • Tolerance. Tolerance needs you need to use more and more of a substance over time to get the same effects.
  • Withdrawals. If you feel sick or you have to take drugs just to feel normal this means you go through a period of withdrawal when you don't have the substance you're abusing. This indicates physical addiction.
  • Desire to use around the clock. Most addicts use the substance they abuse multiple times per day.

Treatment Options

When it comes to tackling drug and alcohol abuse you do have some options available to you. Common treatment options include:

  • Inpatient rehab. Inpatient drug rehab in Kerrville is ideal for moderate to severe addicts. It includes medication, medical supervision and a safe place to recover from an addiction. Programs last 30 to 90 days in most cases.
  • Outpatient rehab. Outpatient treatment lets users stay at home, making it ideal for mild to moderate addiction issues. Being able to work can be beneficial, but many addicts have a hard time focusing on staying clean when they're in familiar surroundings.

There are other options besides inpatient rehab and outpatient rehab. However, for addicts with moderate to severe issues, these are often the best types of drug rehab in Kerrville.

Once you get clean, you can begin to look into other treatment options to keep you healthy down the road. For now, your focus should be getting off drugs and alcohol. Call us at (877) 804-1531 for help.

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