Medical Detox in Kerrville, TX

Drug and alcohol addiction often takes years to build up. For some people, it can happen in just a matter of months when heavy use is involved. For addicts, quitting abruptly or just going cold turkey isn't always safe. Medical detox in Kerrville can help.

If you're suffering from an addiction and you feel that a physical dependence is now part of the equation, the medical detox process can be hugely beneficial to you. Not only will quitting be easier, but staying clean and sober could be as well.

The thought of going through medical detox centers can be scary, but it could help you finally beat your addiction. Keep reading to learn more about medical detox in Kerrville and how it could be exactly what you need to get healthy again.

What is Medical Detox?

Medical detox is a concept most people are vaguely familiar with, but very few people really understand what it is. Even addicts often don't understand the medical detox process and how it can be beneficial to them.

The main concept behind medical detox is that addicts get treatment for addiction in a safe, comfortable environment. After years or months of abuse though, something often has to be done about physical dependence. That's exactly what medical detox centers aim to take care of for you.

When you go to a medical detox center, you'll be evaluated by professionals who understand addiction. Treatment programs in Kerrville will be developed for you to help you kick drugs and alcohol safely if you're physically dependent on them.

In many cases, medication is used to help control withdrawal symptoms and cravings once you enter medical detox in Kerrville. You will be monitored by doctors, nurses and trained medical staff to make sure you're safe throughout the drug detox process.

For many people, medical detox in Kerrville can be a life saver and a way for them to finally beat an addiction before it beats them.

Withdrawal Symptoms Associated with Medical Detox

Withdrawal can be a difficult and complicated issue for many addicts. By going through medical detox in Kerrville, you can avoid some of the pain and discomfort that withdrawal can bring on.

Common withdrawal symptoms associated with medical detox include:

  • Anxiety and depression. Many people going through the medical detox process begin to feel depressed or anxious as they come down off drugs. For some, suicidal feelings and deep anxiety are a serious problem. Medical detox centers can provide medication to help control these negative feelings during treatment, though they usually subside within the first 72 hours or so. Some people also experience panic attacks when they first enter medical detox treatment. Dual diagnosis treatment in Kerrville treats the mental issues that come with addiction.
  • Nausea and vomiting. As drugs leave your body, a strong craving is present. For some people, nausea can come on within as little as 12 hours. Medication can help control nausea and limit vomiting so that you can eat and rest comfortably during the first few days of detox.
  • Sweating and tremors. These physically symptoms are a common part of the medical detox process for long-term addicts. While they usually go away within four to five days, medication can help control these issues when you first check into medical detox centers.
  • Restlessness and the inability to sleep. Medication is commonly given to patients who enter medical detox centers to help them sleep and rest. This is an integral part of healing during detox treatment for many people.

Why is it Dangerous to Detox at Home?

Detox can be dangerous for long-term addicts, and very real problems can come from trying to do it on your own. Many people become sick and ill, hurting themselves during a fall or aspirating in their sleep.

Some addicts can have seizures and be unable to get help as well. While this isn't too common for short-term addiction issues, long-term addicts can suffer a great deal of trauma trying to detox on their own. Seek medical detox in Kerrville for the best possible care.

Why Should I Enter a Medical Detox Center?

Going through medical detox might be scary, but it can help you get clean and sober. From there, you'll have the ability to take on inpatient rehab or outpatient rehab and get your life back on track. Medical detox is just the first step toward a brighter future. Take that step today by calling us at (877) 804-1531.

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