Alcohol Rehab in Kerrville, TX

Alcohol is incredibly common in the United States. From restaurants to sporting events, you can't go far without seeing beer, wine or hard liquor. For many people, alcohol rehab in Kerrville is the end result.

The fact is that social drinking doesn't always stop at the end of the night. For a lot of people who develop an addiction, alcohol abuse becomes an everyday problem that leads to a disastrous outcome.

If you're drinking too much, you're not alone. Seeking help can be scary, but it can help you turn your life around for good.

Use this guide to learn more about entering treatment at an alcohol rehab center. Alcohol rehab in Kerrville can help you improve your life and stop abusing substances forever.

What is Alcohol Abuse?

Alcohol abuse can be very hard to define because of varying social drinking habits. While drinking too much one night, or even once in a while may not be a problem, alcohol abuse can develop quickly.

Common signs of alcohol abuse include:

  • Needing to drink more than others around you to get the effects of alcohol you desire. For many people, this tolerance is a common sign that alcohol abuse is headed into dangerous territory with addiction not far behind.
  • Drinking every day. Feeling the need to drink can be a sign that you could be afraid of going through alcohol withdrawal even if you don't realize it. Seek help through an alcohol rehab center if you feel like you need to drink daily.
  • Drinking when you are alone. Feeling the need to drink when alone, other than an occasional glass of wine or beer, may be a sign that you're developing an addiction. Drinking alone to the point of being drunk on a regular basis means that you're abusing alcohol.
  • Blacking out when you drink. People who black out regularly when they drink are generally on the edge of addiction where the body requires too much alcohol to experience routine effects for others. Drinking much more than others results in blacking out.

These are just a few of the most common signs of alcohol abuse. If any of these symptoms match your drinking habits, seeking help through drug rehab in Kerrville can help.

Alcohol Abuse Signs and Symptoms

Alcohol abuse isn't something that anybody tries to develop. Over time though, social drinking can turn into abusive drinking habits.

Common signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse include:

  • Feeling sick when you don't drink in the morning. Many long-term addicts need to drink first thing in the morning to avoid alcohol withdrawal.
  • Drinking at inappropriate times. Alcohol withdrawal is a major problem for many people who don't drink throughout the day. This can lead some people to drink at work, in the car or with their children. This can lead to serious consequences like DUI arrests and more.
  • Loss of employment. Many alcoholics lose their jobs for drinking at work. Others simply aren't able to handle the responsibilities and tasks before them because of their regular alcohol abuse.
  • Lack of interest in activities that do not involve alcohol. Many people stop spending time with friends and family or working on hobbies that aren't related to drinking alcohol.
  • Losing touch with friends and family. Many people do this to try and hide their drinking from the people they care about. Others lose touch with friends and family because they do not want to be around people with problematic drinking habits.

Dangers of Alcohol

Alcohol abuse can lead to serious physical and emotional consequences. Long-term abuse can be even more dangerous.

Common dangers of alcohol include:

  • Cirrhosis of the liver. Over time, the body can't process alcohol and illness begins to take hold of organs like the liver.
  • Stomach ulcers. Continuous alcohol consumption can lead to major stomach issues.
  • Esophageal cancer. Severe addiction can result in these rarely discussed types of cancer in heavy drinkers.
  • Stroke or seizure. Life-threatening strokes and seizures can kill long-term alcohol abusers as they age.

Why Should I Enter an Alcohol Abuse Rehab?

Going through alcohol rehab in Kerrville can be frightening, but it can help you get the perspective you need. Many people can also stop using alcohol for good by going through treatment programs in Kerrville.

Once you beat alcohol withdrawal, you can focus on staying sober for the rest of your life. You'll need help and maintenance programs to stay strong, but getting clean is within your grasp. Call us now for more information (877) 804-1531.

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